Zhengze Sun

邮箱:zhengzesun@163.com 研究方向:城市计算、迁移学习
职称,职务 研究方向 城市计算、迁移学习
邮箱 zhengzesun@163.com

2022 Academic Master's Student

Supervisor: Associate Professor Sheng Luo

Research Focus:  Urban Computing, Transfer Learning

Personal Profile:In June 2022, I received my Bachelor of Engineering degree from the School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at Wuhan University of Technology. In September 2022, I joined the College of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Shenzhen University to pursue a Master's degree under the supervision of Associate Professor Zhidan Liu. My primary research areas include urban computing, data mining, and transfer learning. Hala Madrid!

Email: zhengzesun@163.com