Yueling Che

职称,职务 研究方向

Dr. Che Yueling received his Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2014. From 2014 to 2016, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. In 2016, he joined the College of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Shenzhen University where he currently serves as an associate professor and a master's thesis advisor. He is also recognized as a high-level overseas talent in Shenzhen.

Dr. Che has published over 30 papers in top international journals and conferences, including prestigious venues such as the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Two of his papers, for which he was the first author and corresponding author, have been designated as Highly Cited Papers by the Web of Science, indicating they are among the top 1% most cited papers in their respective fields globally.

As a principal investigator, he has led and completed a total of ten research projects across various levels, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Guangdong Provincial Surface Projects, Guangdong Science and Technology Development Special Funds, and Shenzhen Basic Research Projects.

Dr. Che's research group is always open to recruiting motivated doctoral students, master's students, undergraduates, postdocs, and engineers who are dedicated to academic research and engineering practices. Interested students are encouraged to contact him at yuelingche@szu.edu.cn.

For further information about Dr. Che Yueling, please visit his personal homepage athttp://csse.szu.edu.cn/cn/people?143222.