Rukhsana Ruby

职称:副研究员 邮箱 研究方向:下一代无线网络的管理和优化
职称,职务 副研究员 研究方向 下一代无线网络的管理和优化

Rukhsana Ruby received her Masters degree from University of Victoria, Canada on 2009, and PhD degree from The University of British Columbia, Canada on 2015. From the broader aspect, her resource interests include the management and optimization of next generation wireless networks. She has authored more than 100 technical papers of well-recognized journals and conferences, such as IEEE TWC, IEEE TCOM, IEEE JSAC, IEEE/ACM TON and IEEE IoT Journal. She is the recipient of several awards or honors, notable among which are Canadian NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, IEEE Exemplary Certificate (IEEE Communications Letters, 2018 and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2018) and Outstanding Reviewer Certificate (Elsevier Computer Communications, 2017). She has served as the lead guest editor for the special issue on NOMA techniques under EURASIP JWCN on 2017, and currently is serving as an associate editor to this journal. Besides, she has also been serving as a technical program committee member in various reputed conferences.
